What happened in May? Not a whole lot besides the first of the berries. We had a large lull in produce picking while everything soaked up the sun and grew, but not to ripeness yet. The chickens were off schedule too; I know Juliet needs to just molt and get it over with. Hollyhock insists on being broody for 3 months at a time, so she is useless. I'm looking forward to Daisy hitting puberty and starting to contribute to the egg business. I am extremely pleased with the boysenberries, they are sweet, tart and delicious and about the only thing we picked this month.
May 2011 Harvest tally
5 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
17 eggs
Year to date:
196 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
223 eggs
We live on a 1/10th acre lot and rent a 20x20 foot community garden plot.
This month marks a special milestone for this blog- 12 months since I have begun recording my produce and eggs tallies. Just for fun, I've dusted off the old calculator and come up with 12-month totals.
June 2010 - May 2011 harvest totals
542 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
535 eggs
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