Monday, December 6, 2010

Jam and cheese

I have two kitchen goals this month. First, to make cherry jam to give as gifts. Not hard. I even have cute decorative jam jars ready to go. Second, trying something new; making mozzarella cheese. Maybe hard. But I want to try it. I watched a friend make it a few months ago, and now it's on my list. I have the rennet, just need to get the milk and some citric acid.

What about you? What kitchen goals or experiments do you have?

This post is part of Kelly the Kitchen Kop's Kitchen Goal of the Month. Because she is motivational like that.

Update: I found citric acid! It was in the bulk spice bins at my local Sprouts for $7.84/lb. Thankfully I only need a tiny bit.


Lauri said...

Just found out my friend's hubby is into making cheese. Who knew you could make it at home? Good luck with your goals! Hmmmm, I don't have any goals - make more meals, eat out less? I'll have to come up with a better one.

Anonymous said...

I have made homemade cheese a bunch and I love it. When the braid of mozzarella is cooling on the counter, my whole family sits in anticipation...we usually eat the whole thing with crackers or crusty bread, sometimes fruit..before it ever gets to the fridge! It is sooo good. Homemade cheese, at room temp with a pear off the tree, well, it's perfection!
Kate Talley