I don't know what I'm more proud of - my kids playing their violins in front of hundreds of people or me figuring out how to post a video! If you look very closely in the first clip, ds is just to the left of the conductor's elbow in a white shirt. In the other video, dd is just to the right of the conductor. I promise.
So this is what it sounds like when 56 first-time violin students perform their first concert. Accompanied by 14 extremely talented teenage violinist student teachers. Our spring concert will be held in the local theatre so hopefully better viewing for the audience.
My grandmother was an accomplished pianist and taught us all how to play, but she wouldn't teach us until we were 8 years old claiming children weren't ready to learn until then.
One word for this, wow! Ok, two, incredible, really.
YAY! Good job ds and dd (and Tamlynn) I am proud of you guys!
TM Clan - the youngest kids there couldn't have been more than 3 years old with their tiny 1/8 size violins. So cute.
Let me guess...Suzuki method? I remember going to my kids first concert and getting all teary just watching it!
Great job on both the concert and posting the video!
My son just started Violin. What a great job with the video and your kids.
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