Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Springing forward

Thornless boysenberries in bloom. Ignore the underage quidditch practice.

A lot of catching up to do today. The berries, avocado, plums, and citrus are in full bloom, the peaches and apricots (yay!) have hard little green fruits. Tomato starts are started and the leafy greens are well, leafy and green. We also harvested about 5 lbs of peas this spring and renewed our contract on our community garden plot.

February harvest tally:
16 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
69 eggs

March harvest tally:
24 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
64 eggs

2012 total so far:
81 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
200 eggs

We live on a 1/10th acre lot and rent a 20x20 foot community garden plot.

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