Sunday, October 2, 2011

Musical chickens

Another fun summer on my parent's hobby farm has come and gone. Being away for six weeks is an amazing experience for my kids and very relaxing for me, though I have to rely on others to tend my garden and chickens at home. I do have great support and this year thank Kim and Katelyn for keeping everything alive and well while we were gone.

I'd also like to thank (am I winning an award?) my mom for accepting my recycled chickens. This year I gave up the last of my very first city chickens, Hollyhock. The poor thing insisted on going broody two times a year, for nearly 4 months at a time. After moving to the country, Hollyhock quickly met a dashing young rooster and is currently sitting on a nest of tiny white eggs. Our Polish bantam, Poppy, who arrived at the farm a few months previous to Hollyhock, hatched 4 adorable chicks while we were visiting. That is one proud rooster. Petunia also retired to the farm this summer and is the only one of the city transplants to fit in with the flock. The silkie, Midnight, prefers to live with the goats and has become the roommate of a handsome buck named Milkman. My new pullets, Daisy (layer of the double yolk,) Sunflower, and Lemondrop are starting their egg laying careers.

August 2011 Harvest Tally:
47 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
18 eggs
September 2011 Harvest Tally:
40 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
28 eggs

Year to date:
451 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
324 eggs

We live on a 1/10th acre lot and rent a 20x20 foot community garden plot.


Bela said...

I want some eggs now.

Christin said...

Be careful of those double yolk layers, they have a tendancy to get eggbound. We lost our prettiest chicken because of that. :(