Is it possible to have autumn without pumpkins? I don't think so. This year we had an amazing pumpkin crop. I planted a couple of pie pumpkin seeds in the community garden plot, then we had a rogue volunteer pumpkin in our side yard that produced the biggest pumpkin of all, plus two decent-sized ones. We have been eating our pumpkins as well as using them for decoration and entertainment. Pumpkins are amazingly versatile and good for you too! Most of the recipes I've been using came from someone else, so I'll try to give credit where it's due. First, check out Pioneer Woman's instructions for making
pumkpin puree here. Then clean off those seeds and set them aside to make her delicious roasted
pepitas. My friend Mindy has a delicious curry pumpkin soup recipe posted below. I found this
crustless pumpkin pie here, but found I needed to add a lot more sweeteners for our tastes. And our standby favorite, chocolate chip pumpkin muffins are always a hit.

Also, since October is over, drumroll for our produce tally please!
October 2010:
82 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
45 eggs
Since June 1, 2010:
339 lbs. of fresh fruits and veggies
226 eggs
We have a 1/10th acre lot, and a 20x20 foot community garden plot. Most of this month's produce was winter squashes; pumpkins and butternuts.

DeeDee's Creamy Curry Pumpkin Soup
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1 onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
4 cups broth (I happened to have beef, but chicken or veggie would work just as well)
2 tsp. curry powder
4 cups pumpkin puree or a 29-ounce can pumpkin puree
1 14-oz. can coconut milk, or 1 3/4 cups cream
Freshly ground black pepper
Salt to taste
Dash of cayenne pepper (optional)
Dash of hot sauce (optional)
Saute onion, celery, and garlic in olive oil. Add broth and simmer until vegetables are totally soft. Add remaining ingredients, puree in blender in batches (or use hand blender if you have one), return to pot. Enjoy!
This post is linked to
Kelly the Kitchen Kop's Real Food Wednesday.
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