Friday, July 16, 2010

Hello ladies

And goodbye, Poppy, you annoying noisemaker. Poppy is the Polish on the upper rung. She has gotten it into her featherbrain that it would be fun to be loud in the mornings and pretend she can crow like a rooster. Sometimes a hen will do this, especially in the Bantam breeds (think little yappy dogs) if there is no rooster around. So Poppy is going to go visit the farm. Permanently. No, really, I'm taking her as a lovely present to my parent's place in the country, no need to worry about her pretty little neck. Hollyhock, Petunia, and the aptly named Midnight may miss her, but they'll be the only ones. More and more people are getting backyard chickens. They are fun, easy to care for, and usually fairly quiet. About five people in my area have expressed serious interest in getting their own little flock recently. Two have actually done it! Two of the most common questions people ask about our chickens are if we actually eat their eggs and if they need a rooster to lay eggs. The answers are yes, we eat their eggs. They are all natural, free-range, pastured, organic eggs from happy hens! Do you know how much those cost in the store?! And second, no, hens do not need a rooster to lay eggs. Contact me privately if you'd like a refresher lesson on the birds and the bees. Thinking about getting chickens? They are great fun- the pet that makes you breakfast. Do you or anyone you know have city chickens?


Joanne said...

Technically, we can have chickens here in Westchester. As long as they are 100 ft. from our house and 2000 ft from our neighbors. In reality, the lots in our neighborhood are only 50 x 200 ft. So we can't have chickens.

Unknown said...

so jealous...

Rich said...

I'll bet Poppy would look dang good on a barbecue grill ...

Tamlynn said...

Rich, she's so small, it really wouldn't be worth the effort. :)